, diagnostic tools for temporal Point Processesvignettes/ppdiag.Rmd
This vignette provides an introduction to the functions available in ppdiag
to evaluate the fit of univariate temporal point processes.
To achieve this, we currently include a range of functions which allow a user to:
We create classes for each of the point process models included in the package. Currently, these are:
creates a hpp
object with rate parameter lambda
hpp_obj <- pp_hpp(lambda = 1)
#> Homogeneous Poisson Process
#> lambda
pp_hp(lambda0, alpha, beta, events = NULL)
creates a hp
hp_obj <- pp_hp(lambda0 = 0.5, alpha = 0.2, beta = 0.5)
#> Hawkes Process
#> lambda0 0.5
#> alpha 0.2
#> beta 0.5
pp_mmpp(lambda0, lambda1, alpha, beta, Q, delta)
creates an mmpp
Q <- matrix(c(-0.4, 0.4, 0.2, -0.2), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
mmpp_obj <- pp_mmpp(Q, delta = c(1 / 3, 2 / 3),
lambda0 = 0.8,
c = 1.2)
#> Markov Modulated Poisson Process
#> lambda0 0.8
#> c 1.2
#> Q -0.4 0.2 0.4 -0.2
#> delta 0.3333333 0.6666667
pp_mmhp(lambda0, lambda1, alpha, beta, Q, delta)
creates an mmhp
To simulate data from a given point process, we use the function pp_simulate(pp_obj, ...)
. Here the first argument specifies one of the above point processes, while the remaining arguments specify either the number of events simulated or the length of the observation period for possible events.
For example, we can simulate events up to a specified end time.
hpp_events <- pp_simulate(hpp_obj, end = 10)
#> [1] 1.178415 2.534481 3.128104 6.003689 6.761803 7.487947 7.695707 8.689093
#> [9] 9.293207
Alternatively, we can specify the number of events we wish to simulate.
hp_events <- pp_simulate(hp_obj, start = 0, n = 20)
#> [1] 0.9400185 1.1191265 2.1612737 2.5946876 3.5797847 3.9387649
#> [7] 4.2368953 4.4670930 5.8820189 7.0152093 7.0853348 7.1232218
#> [13] 7.2054465 8.9124657 9.0370266 9.1803104 9.6651189 9.7494958
#> [19] 10.4788863 11.5731880
This returns the simulated events of the specified point process. For Markov Modulated processes, the states (and the times of these states) are also returned. In this scenario only a specified number of events can be simulated (currently).
mmhp_events <- pp_simulate(object = mmhp_obj, n = 20)
#> $x
#> [1] 0.000000 7.664158 11.697800 12.424969 15.895487 16.605268 17.615062
#> [8] 20.980776 21.046057 24.448065 26.791573 27.144919 27.544524 43.189824
#> [15] 43.402157 43.453020 45.032403 64.820471
#> $z
#> [1] 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
#> $events
#> [1] 0.000000 5.708418 7.472399 8.274346 8.307444 8.730389 8.946091
#> [8] 10.836852 11.262435 11.276123 11.678003 15.085856 15.268783 20.683729
#> [15] 33.193656 43.256217 43.650652 43.898249 44.241350 44.742261 46.478088
#> $zt
#> [1] 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2
#> $lambda.max
#> [1] 1.316867
#> $start
#> [1] 0
#> $end
#> [1] 64.82047
For completeness, we include functions for fitting both homogeneous Poisson and Hawkes processes to data. Fitting a Markov modulated model is more complex, although we describe this procedure in an included vignette.
returns an object of class hpp
, estimating the MLE of a homogenous Poisson process for hpp_events
fit_hpp <- fithpp(hpp_events)
#> Homogeneous Poisson Process
#> lambda
#> events 1.178415 2.534481 3.128104 6.003689 6.761803 7.487947 7.695707 8.689093 9.293207
Similarly, fithp(hp_events)
returns an object of class hp
, estimating the three parameters of the Hawkes process from hp_events
using constrOptim
. This ensures that the returned solution (if one can be obtained), satisfies the stationary condition of a Hawkes process.
hp_events <- pp_simulate(hp_obj, n = 500)
fit_hp <- fithp(hp_events)
#> [1] 0.4666573
#> [1] 0.3043066
#> [1] 0.5540956
The main goal of this package is to provide users with tools to examine the fit of a specified point process to some data. There are several methods which can be used to assess the goodness of fit of a point process to temporal data. In this package we allow a user to:
drawHPPIntensity(hpp, events)
plots the intensity of a homogeneous Poisson process.
drawHPPIntensity(fit_hpp, events = hpp_events,
color = "red")
Similarly, drawHPIntensity(hp, events)
plots the intensity of a Hawkes process.
drawHPIntensity(fit_hp, events = hp_events)
To plot the fitted intensity on the input events, set fit=TRUE
drawHPIntensity(events = hp_events, fit = TRUE)
Similarly, drawUniMMHPIntensity(mmhp, mmhp_events)
plots the intensity of a Markov modulated Hawkes process, with a similar function for Markov modulated Poisson processes. This requires both the point process object and the output from pp_simulate
which describes the latent process.
drawUniMMHPIntensity(mmhp_obj, mmhp_events)
displays the estimated intensity of a given point process along with a QQ-plot of the rescaled inter-event times. These together can often be useful in identifying issues with model fit for a chosen point process.
intensityqqplot(object = fit_hp, events = hp_events )
# this gives an error currently
intensityqqplot(object = mmhp_obj, markov_states = mmhp_events)
returns both raw and Pearson residuals from fitting the specified point process to the given events.
pp_residual(object = mmhp_obj, events = mmhp_events$events)
#> $raw
#> [1] 4.478442
#> $pearson
#> [1] 3.388703
pp_residual(object = fit_hp, events = hp_events)
#> $raw
#> [1] 0.01260463
#> $pearson
#> [1] 0.01128254
summarises (both graphically and numerically) the fit of a specified point process to the data. For a given point process it computes the residuals (both raw and Pearson) obtained from fitting that point process to the data, performs a goodness of fit test based on the rescaled inter-event times, and displays graphical summaries of this diagnostic.
pp_diag(object = fit_hp, events = hp_events)
#> Raw residual: 0.01260463
#> Pearson residual: 0.01128254
#> One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
#> data: r
#> D = 0.029183, p-value = 0.788
#> alternative hypothesis: two-sided