I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Simon Fraser University. Before SFU, I did my PhD in Statistics at Columbia University, where I was advised by Tian Zheng. Before that, I got a BA in Maths from Trinity College Dublin.

I am interested in computational statistics and applying statistical methods to solve important scientific questions. Recent work has focused on network data, including inferring social hierarchy from event streams on networks and evaluation methods for network embeddings.

I am always interested in collaborations and love to chat about interesting problems.

Latest News

  • [September 2024] Our paper on Community Detection guarantees for Node2Vec embeddings has been accepted at NeurIPS 2024. Paper available here. See you in Vancouver in December!
  • [May 2024] Our paper on Community Detection for Aggregated Relational Data has been accepted in Statistica Sinica here.
  • [November 2023] Our paper on Online Estimation for Network Point Processes has appeared in Statistics and Computing here.
  • [March 2023] Had an enjoyable visit and seminar at the University of Kentucky.
  • [February 2023] An article with some great PIT-DSC students has appeared in Significance here.
  • [November 2022] Our paper on Latent Ranking Models for Social Animal interactions has appeared in the latest issue of JRSSC here.