Welcome to The Class!

In this class, we will explore theories in Probability, Statistics and Machine Learning, and apply them to solve real data problems using the programming language R. We will build the foundations from scratch --- no actual prerequisites required, but bring your curiosity! We will take your analytical skills to the next level. If you're simply seeking a challenge, we have something for you too!

Welcome and enjoy.

Calendar (tentative)

We will cover these major areas: regression, classification, clustering and data representation.

Date Lecture Link Topic Instructor
February 20 Lec 1 Math Review. Collin
February 27 Lec 2 Introduction to R. Owen
March 6 Lec 3 Simulation Owen
March 13 Lec 4 Regression Models Collin
March 20 Lec 5 Significance. Owen
March 27 Lec 6 The Replication Crisis Collin
April 10 Lec 7 Time Series. Owen
April 17 Lec 8 High Dimensional Statistics Collin
April 24 Lec 9 Bayes and Text Owen
May 1 Lec 9 TBD. Collin